Latest Episodes
This episode highlights two new online platforms to support the mental health needs of children and young adults in California. We explore the depth of mental health challenges that are often particularly challenging among marginalized communities and how the use of online apps can reduce these behavioral health inequities. We feature two programs that are supported by CalHOPE in partnership with the California Mental Health Services Association.
In this episode of Centering Health Equity, we speak with Dr. Sheldon Fields, President of the National Black Nurses Association, and Dr. Tina Loarte-Rodriguez, Executive Director of the Connecticut Center for Nursing Workforce about the unique role nurses have in advancing health equity. We discuss the importance of patient centered care, addressing health inequities at the system level, and the key opportunities nurses have to promote health equity.
Our show looks at the many factors that contribute to diabetic amputations—one of the most life altering challenges a patient can face if they do not get the care they need or cannot sustain their treatment. In this episode we speak to Dr. Michael Sobolevsky, a Specialty Physician at the University Health, Texas Diabetes Institute and Dr. Francisco Prieto, a member of the board of directors for the American Diabetes Association.